Une jeune femme aux cheveux lisses et brillants, réalisés grâce au lissage brésilien. Le lissage brésilien est une technique de lissage nourrissante et douce qui permet d'obtenir des résultats durables sans endommager la fibre capillaire.

Goodbye frizz! Brazilian straightening, the long-lasting solution for straightening your hair

Brazilian blowout is a hair straightening technique that has gained popularity in recent years, but did you know that this method has been around since the 1970s?

Brazilian straightening is a keratin-based straightening technique that allows you to obtain smooth and shiny hair without damaging it, unlike other straightening methods which can be aggressive for the hair.

In this article, we'll tell you more about Brazilian straightening and give you all the information you need to know if this technique is right for you.

History and origin of Brazilian straightening

Brazilian straightening is a hair straightening technique that was developed in Brazil in the 1970s.

Originally, this method was used to straighten curly and frizzy hair in a lasting way, without resorting to aggressive techniques such as straightening.

Over the years, Brazilian straightening has become increasingly popular around the world, thanks to its long-lasting straightening effect and its ability to deeply nourish the hair.

How does a Brazilian straightening treatment work?

Brazilian straightening is a multi-step process. First, your hairdresser will cleanse your hair with a clarifying shampoo to remove all impurities and prepare your hair to receive the straightening formula.

Then, he will apply the keratin-based smoothing formula to your hair, taking care to distribute the product well throughout your hair.

Once the formula has been applied, your hairdresser will use a hair straightener to set the keratin and achieve a smooth and shiny result. The straightening process can take 2 to 3 hours depending on the length and thickness of your hair.

How long does a Brazilian straightening treatment last?

Brazilian straightening can last up to 4 months, depending on how fast your hair grows and your hair type.

However, it is recommended to do keratin treatments every 3 months to maintain the smoothing effect and nourish your hair deeply.

Brazilian straightening is a long-lasting straightening technique, but it is important to take care of your hair to maintain the straightening effect for as long as possible.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Brazilian straightening?

Brazilian straightening has many benefits for hair. First of all, this straightening technique is gentle on the hair and allows for long-lasting results without damaging the hair fiber.

Brazilian straightening is also very nourishing for the hair, thanks to the keratin contained in the straightening formula.

This protein is essential for the health and beauty of hair, and Brazilian straightening deeply nourishes the hair from root to tip.

However, there are also some drawbacks to Brazilian hair straightening. First of all, this straightening technique can be quite expensive, especially if you have long or thick hair.

Additionally, Brazilian straightening requires regular maintenance to maintain the straightening effect, and you will need to use specific products without sulfates or oil to take care of your hair.

Finally, Brazilian straightening is not suitable for all hair types, and it is recommended to consult a professional before deciding to have Brazilian straightening done.

What care should be taken after a Brazilian straightening treatment?

To maintain the smoothing effect of Brazilian straightening for as long as possible, it is important to follow your hairdresser's advice and use the right products.

You will need to avoid washing your hair for 48 hours after your appointment, and use sulfate- and oil-free products to care for your hair.

If you have very fine or fragile hair, Brazilian straightening may be too heavy for your hair and weigh it down.

In this case, it is recommended to consult a professional to find a smoothing solution suited to your hair type.

It is also important to take into account the nature of your hair and choose a suitable straightening formula.

If you have colored hair, there are formaldehyde-free Brazilian straightening formulas that won't strip your hair color. If you have frizzy or very curly hair, there are Brazilian straightening formulas specifically designed to gently straighten these types of hair without damaging it.

In summary, Brazilian straightening is a gentle and nourishing straightening technique that can be a good option to achieve smooth and shiny hair in a long-lasting way.

Where to get a Brazilian straightening treatment?

It is important to choose a professional and experienced hair salon to get a Brazilian blowout. Make sure the salon has quality products and that the hairdressers are trained and experienced in using these products. Don't hesitate to ask your friends for recommendations or check online reviews to find a hair salon you can trust.

It is also important to follow your hairdresser's instructions and follow the care to adopt after the Brazilian straightening to maintain the smoothing effect and protect your hair. If you follow these tips, you should be able to enjoy smooth and shiny hair for several months.

DIY Brazilian Straightening: The Economical and Practical Solution

It is possible to perform a Brazilian straightening treatment at home, using Brazilian straightening kits sold in pharmacies, hairdressing stores or specialized sites . This solution can be more economical than going to a hair salon, but it is important to follow the instructions carefully and respect the precautions for use to obtain the desired result.

It is also recommended to make sure that this solution is suitable for your hair type and to respect the recommended application times.

Do-it-yourself Brazilian straightening has several advantages:

  • This solution is less expensive than going to a hair salon.
  • It allows you to carry out a Brazilian straightening treatment in complete peace of mind, at home
  • It allows you to choose the smoothing formula that best suits your hair.

In summary, Brazilian straightening to do at home can be an economical and practical solution to obtain smooth and shiny hair, provided that you follow the instructions carefully and respect the precautions for use.

Brazilian straightening is an effective and nourishing hair straightening technique that can help you achieve long-lasting smooth and shiny hair.

If you are looking for a gentle and nourishing straightening solution for your hair, Brazilian straightening can be a great option.

Do you want to get a Brazilian straightening treatment right now?

Discover the My KERALOVA Brazilian straightening kit, the number 1 in France for do-it-yourself straightening treatments.

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Produits simple d’utilisation avec une notice très explicative
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Marie-France RAIMOND
Lissage brésilien

Très satisfaite du résultat. Bon rapport qualité/prix. Je le recommanderai certainement . Je conseille ce lissage.


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Iobinjanahary Bonnereau
Kit lissage brésilien

Très bon produit, satisfaite de ma commande

Veronique Boissy

Est ce que le lissage au fer est obligatoire pour fixer ou un brushing peut suffit?