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Does Brazilian straightening damage hair?

In recent years, the hair industry has experienced real innovation. Indeed, the time of frizz and curls seems to be passing and women are now looking for easy-to-maintain, smooth and shiny hair. But does Brazilian straightening damage hair ?

Brazilian straightening is becoming more and more popular with women, especially since celebrities have been praising its merits. Brazilian straightening, also known as keratin straightening , is a treatment given to curly or frizzy hair in order to make it smooth and shiny.

Marc Grays Blog_Brazilian straightening_composition based on natural ingredients_formaldehyde-free_Suitable for all hair types_Economical format

How does it work?

The Brazilian straightening technique is to intensely nourish the hair with keratin. We all know that keratin, present in the hair, gives the hair its shiny, smooth and supple appearance. The lack of keratin therefore results in dull and brittle hair.

The technique itself:

  • First, the hair will be washed with a clarifying shampoo to remove impurities.
  • Then, they will be dried, because Brazilian straightening is done on dry hair. The keratin will then be applied strand by strand
  • The smoothing will be finished with a hair straightener. The strands will be taken one by one, about ten passes of the hair straightener are necessary to obtain a good result. The heat of the hair straightener will help seal the keratin to the hair to strengthen it, soften it and restore its previous shine.
  • The longer, thicker, more damaged the hair, the longer the straightening time will be. The latter can vary from 2 hours to 5 hours depending on the complexity of the hair.

You should know that washing is prohibited during the first 24 hours, as are accessories such as: headbands, ties, barrettes .

The result:

With Brazilian straightening, you will have hair that is easy to style, frizz-free and disciplined, shiny, smooth without being stiff as can be seen with other straightening techniques.

What are the benefits of Brazilian straightening?

  • Brazilian straightening helps tame hair. In fact, it results in a reduction in hair volume.
  • Your hair regains shine while being strengthened.
  • No more long queues at the hairdresser. A simple brushing, even with just your fingers, will give you soft and smooth hair . This saves you time and money spent on a hairdresser.
  • Brazilian straightening can last up to 6 months depending on the product used, it is not permanent like other straightening treatments. You will regain the natural look of your hair over time.
  • Brazilian straightening does not damage the hair, more than a treatment, it is a moisturizing treatment that you give to your hair.

As you know, Brazilian straightening can cause some discomfort.

What are the disadvantages of Brazilian straightening?

  • If done incorrectly, straightening can cause scalp burns. Your hair should be assessed to determine the amount and brand of product to use before proceeding.
  • Some components of the smoothing product can have harmful effects on health. Indeed, keratin needs an activator to release its effects. Formalin is most often used as an activator and smoothing products should only contain 0.2% of this formaldehyde at most. At high concentrations, formalin can cause migraines , dizziness, a burning sensation, breathing difficulties or even vision problems.
  • It is not the keratin that is dangerous but the chemical used as an activating agent for the keratin. There is also an increased risk of cancer if the client or hairdresser is exposed to high doses of formaldehyde for a long time, hence the importance of choosing a Brazilian straightening treatment without formaldehyde .

Here are some recommendations if you choose to have a Brazilian straightening treatment:

  • Have your hair diagnosed by a hairdressing expert before any straightening.
  • Never do Brazilian blowouts at home unless you have the right products and instructions.
  • Avoid sulfate-based shampoos if you want to keep your straightening longer because salt removes keratin.
  • Ask for a formaldehyde-free smoothing to minimize the risk of cancer and other side effects.
  • Washing is only recommended after 48 hours and any coloring should be avoided during the two weeks following straightening.
  • Do a keratin treatment every week. Opt for soy or wheat-based products to avoid damaging your scalp.
  • Use a protective treatment to prevent keratin loss before going to the sea or a swimming pool.

Can I do a Brazilian blowout myself at home?

The answer is yes, provided you use the right products . There are kits on the market designed for straightening at home.

You should also know that the product should not be left on for more than 20 minutes, and the hair should then be dried.

To make your straightening last longer, remember to use care products that are suitable for your hair. Always read the instructions to be aware of the substances present in the straightening product that can harm your health.

Of course, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, use products made with natural ingredients and avoid doing treatments at home, if possible.

Marc Grays Blog_Brazilian straightening_composition based on natural ingredients_formaldehyde-free_Suitable for all hair types_Economical format

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Lissage brésilien

Très satisfaite du résultat. Bon rapport qualité/prix. Je le recommanderai certainement . Je conseille ce lissage.


Je suis très satisfaite du kit lissage bresilien en espérant que sa dure dans le temps ( je l'ai fait ce matin) le soin inclu dedans fait briller les cheveux.
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Seul bémol que j'aurai à dire et qu'il manque c'est les équipements pour le faire bol pinces gants peigne a bec, à voir si sa ne peut pas être inclus. Car moi j'ai perdu une journée pour l'avoir commander à part
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Kit lissage brésilien

Très bon produit, satisfaite de ma commande

Veronique Boissy

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